Summer Course: 13th – 17th August 2018
On this intensive 5 day figure drawing & painting course you’ll learn the fundamentals of figure drawing & painting, boosting your confidence in all aspects of drawing.
Studying the human form is central to learning to draw and paint as it provides one of the greatest challenges involved in observational drawing. If you can draw the human form you’re well equipped to tackle any subject at all. Apart for the satisfaction of representing and expressing the human form, the powers of observation you develop are beneficial to all areas of visual art and design.
Figure Drawing & Painting Course Outline
Starting with a strong emphasis on line, gesture and proportion you’ll give your figure work the best possible foundation. From there you’ll move on to mass drawing, traditionally used a bridge to painting. This will teach you to apply the principles of chiaroscuro using charcoal and utilising light, shadow and halftone. You’ll learn to understand the mass of the figure and create a convincing sense of form. Finally, you’ll apply these principles incorporating colour to paint the figure. The course puts together and expands on what is taught on the Life Drawing Fundamentals Workshops including:
- Gesture, Proportion & Line
- Mass, Tone & Chiaroscuro
- Painting the Figure from Life
On top of the observational skills you’ll learn will be lots of information about how to use the materials effectively. The correct use of drawing and painting media makes this demanding subject much more manageable. You’ll gain plenty of useful tips and knowledge which will help you expand your technique including:
- Different drawing & painting supports, grounds their uses
- Using different types of charcoal to best effect
- How to mix paint and mediums
- How to choose organise your palette of colours
- Good brushwork to keep you in control of your paint
Essential Info & booking
- Course Length: 5 days
- Dates: Monday 13th – Friday 17th August 2018
- Hours: 09;45 – 16;30
- Location: Northern Realist Studio – Map
- Materials: Charcoal & Oil Paint (Use contact form to request list)
- Price: £295 (£550 if done with one week or £775 if done with two weeks of the Classical Atelier Techniques Course)
- Booking: Use contact form on right or contact page (Please state which course you’re interested in)