Colour Harmony Workshop

Online Drawing & Painting Workshop

Thursday 27th Ahugust 2020  |  18:00 – 20:30

Northern Realist Colour Harmony Workshop

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Creating a harmonious colour scheme in you painting can be a mysterious and daunting obstacle. However it doesn’t have to be if you approach it in the right way.

In this workshop Christopher Clements will show you how to keep the colour in your paintings related and harmonious.

You will complete carefully designed exercises designed to show you how to relate one colour to another and create a palette of colours which don’t fight with each other.

Whether you’re new to painting or more experienced and looking to develop your technique, the exercises you’ll complete will help you approach colour in a structured way opening up new creative opportunities in your work

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What you’ll learn

  • How to mix secondary and neutral colour
  • How to keep colours related to one another
  • Toning the Spectrum
  • Use of Adjacent Colour

Whether you’re new to painting and looking to learn fundamental principles or add to your existing skills the workshop will have plenty to offer. The class is limited to 8 students giving everyone plenty of feedback.

How it Works

The workshop will be done using Zoom, you’ll be emailed a materials list, preparations and a reference photo plus a link to the session after booking via Eventbrite.

You’ll need an internet connection and webcam and the following materials:


The workshop can be done using oil, water mixable oil, acrylic or gouache

  • 3 pieces of primed canvas or canvas paper
  • 1 medium brush
  • 1 large brush
  • Painting mediums suitable for your chosen type of paint
  • Painting palette
  • Palette knife
  • Titanium white
  • Ivory black
  • A strong yellow such as Cadmium Yellow or Cadmium Yellow Hue paint
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • A strong red such as Cadmium or Cadmium Hue paint
  • Rags and kitchen roll

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Essential Info & Booking

Date: Thursday 27th August 2020,  – Book Now

Time: 18:00-20:30

Location: Online via Zoom

Price: £29

Questions: Use Contact Form above right or visit the Contact Page or email


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